Afro Chilli 50ml


Made with OLIVE OIL

Ingredients: Vinegar, Olive oil, Cayenne Chillies, African Birds Eye Chilli, Green Pepper, Tomato, Garlic, Onion, Spices and Xanthan gum

No added nonsense! 

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Afro Chilli Sauce 50ml

Mild and DELICIOUS! It’s a combo of fresh green chillies and spices. 

No added preservatives, sugar-free, gluten-free & vegan-friendly.

Afro Chilli Sauce is a mild sauce best served with just about anything, but our favourite is on pizza and pasta. It also makes a great tangy mayo; add a tablespoon of Afro Chilli Sauce to a 1/4 cup of mayonnaise.

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You can see the rest of our sauce range here 🙂