
Afro Chilli Sauce 125ml

Original price was: R59.00.Current price is: R49.56.

Ingredients: Vinegar, Olive oil, Cayenne Chillies, African Birds Eye Chilli, Green Pepper, Tomato, Garlic, Onion, Spices and Xanthan gum

No added nonsense!

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Afro Chilli Sauce 125ml

Hot-ISH and DELICIOUS! A combo of fresh green chillies and spices. It is divine!

No added preservatives, sugar-free, gluten-free & vegan-friendly.

Afro Chilli Sauce is a Hot-ish sauce best served with just about anything, but our favourite is on pizza and pasta. It also makes a great tangy mayo; just add a tablespoon of Afro Chilli Sauce to a 1/4 cup of mayonnaise.

It’s Origins

Inspired by a trip to Komatipoort in 2011 where we stopped at a Portuguese restaurant for the most delicious chicken flattie.

There are so many different chilli sauces in Africa. The hot sauce scene and experience are a true treat. Our Afro Chilli has added to this thriving hot sauce culture.

Follow us on Facebook for new sauce updates and LIMITED EDITION releases.

You can see the rest of our sauce range here 🙂