Devil Chilli Sauce 125ml


A bottle of hot smooth chilli sauce

Fantastic on a piece of Rump Steak, or with Spaghetti Bolognese.

Ingredients: African Birds Eye Chilli, Vinegar, Spices, Garlic, Xanthan Gum

No added preservatives, sugar-free, gluten-free, vegan friendly.


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SKU: Devil125ml Category:


Devil Chilli Sauce

This one is hot, but not crazy scary hot. Your tastebuds will savour the flavour before the tiny little birds eye chillies kick in and sting you. The burn is delayed. It’s fun!  This delish sauce is made from a combination of African birds eye chillies and Indian spices. Delicious & fiery.

Filled With Flavour

Our Devil Chilli Sauce does not claim first place for the hottest spot in the world of hot sauces. Instead, it’s flavour bursts through leaving a nice hot rush that subsides rather rapidly. It will make you sweat if you eat enough of it, but will definitely not annihilate your taste buds.

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